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The ANC urges to declare independence the day the amnesty is approved

The head of state of the ANC, Dolors Feliu, has actually advised to state self-reliance in Parliament on the very same day that Congress accepts the amnesty.

The ANC urges to declare independence the day the amnesty is approved

The head of state of the ANC, Dolors Feliu, has actually advised to state self-reliance in Parliament on the very same day that Congress accepts the amnesty. “If they do not risk, political elections,” she broke. A number of hundred individuals collected this Sunday at midday called by the ANC to memorialize the 6 years given that 1-O.

The presentation started with a political occasion in Plaza Urquinaona, the center of the demonstrations versus the procés judgment, and also finished in Plaza Sant Jaume. Between they made a drop in front of the Via Laietana police headquarters, where they tossed mini tally boxes and also mandate tallies. The lobbyists have actually additionally tossed the pictures of Pedro Sánchez, Felipe VI, Mariano Rajoy and also Court Manuel Marchena right into a melted container.

Regarding a thousand individuals, according to the Urban Guard, participated in the ANC occasion for the 6th wedding anniversary of 1-O, which began with a political occasion in Urquinaona Square. From there, Dolors Feliu has actually taxed the pro-independence celebrations, prompting them to state self-reliance: “The very same day that the amnesty regulation is accepted in Congress, words self-reliance need to reverberate in Parliament. And also if they do not risk to do so, to call political elections.”

The very same week that the Parliament held the basic plan discussion, Feliu concentrated his objection on the self-reliance celebrations. “Exactly how is it that words self-reliance does not show up in the resolution that has been accepted? Where is our Parliament and also our agents,” asked the civil leader. And also she included: “It appears to me that they remain in Congress discussing I do not recognize what. Allow them come right here, due to the fact that self-reliance has to be done right here; in Parliament and also not in Congress.” She has actually advised that, without acknowledgment of self-reliance, the amnesty will certainly be a “catch to whitewash the Spanish State.”

“We do not desire even more meant historic minutes, neither historic deals,” billed the head of state of the Setting up. “The only point we desire is self-reliance. Neither historic deal, neither historic ‘mandanga’,” she ended.

Lobbyists and also targets of retributions have actually additionally joined the political occasion, such as Marcel Vivet, Julia Balas and also Nacho Pallàs. Vivet, that was implicated by the Generalitat and also founded guilty for joining a presentation versus Jusapol, has actually billed versus the Mossos: “The Spanish cops, that includes the independent plan of Catalonia, toss us outdoors, from the roads and also they exist together affectionately with the fascism. Self-reliance has to be theirs also.”

In Plaza Urquinaona there has actually been a very first symbolic motion. The 4 audio speakers released, in a melted container, the condemnations of King Felipe VI, Head Of State Pedro Sánchez, previous Head of state Mariano Rajoy and also Court Manuel Marchena.

Once the political occasion mored than, the thousand militants started a march along Via Laietana to the Plaza de Sant Jaume. Prior to completing the scenic tour, they dropped in front of the Greater Head Office of the National Cops Corps (CNP). There, as they had actually been advised by the company, they tossed mini tally boxes and also tallies from the 1-O mandate. The structure was secured by Town hall fencings and also accompanied, on the side roads, by representatives from the Mossos d’Esquadra and also the CNP.

The ANC presentation finished at half previous twelve in the Plaza de Sant Jaume in the Catalan funding, where those collected yelled “the Spanish flag out” and also left the posters that had actually been dispersed to them: “Self-reliance or political elections.”

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