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HomeUncategorizedWho is the Blue Mountains 'bubble man'?

Who is the Blue Mountains ‘bubble man’?

The search gets on for the Blue Hills “bubble male” that invests his early mornings bringing a dosage of joy to work-bound chauffeurs.
An audience contacted 2GB’s Ben Fordham explaining the early morning routine that occurs for chauffeurs in Blaxland.
Every early morning at regarding 7am, the audience’s little girl Monique detects a guy on a footbridge over the roadway, making bubbles that overlook the cars and trucks.
“He exists early morning after early morning as well as it brings a smile to her face,” the audience composed.
Monique at some point encountered the exact same male at the stores.
After thanking him for her day-to-day dosage of joy, she asked him why he did it.

The Blaxland "bubble man".
The Blaxland “bubble male”.(2GB)

“He does this every early morning to do precisely what she stated – to make individuals grin,” the audience composed.
Fordham appeared eager to understand extra.
“Can we discover the Blaxland ‘bubble male’?” he stated.
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